Gardening in Benidorm

At Podarama we face any challenge. We carry out pruning at height in Benidorm, felling trees, pruning palm trees…

At Podarama we guarantee the safety and quality of the felling and pruning of each tree, we carry out various garden maintenance tasks in Benidorm and surroundings. We provide a variety of services, from height pruning to garden cleaning. Our team of professionals has many years of experience in pruning and felling in Benidorm. We clean farms and plots in Benidorm, and cut hedges to leave professional finishes. All our professionals are experts in controlled felling and garden cleaning in Bnidorm. Whether you want to clean your garden or plot in Benidorm or if you want to collect garden waste, we are your gardening and tree pruning company.

Jardinería en Benidorm

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    Tree pruning in Benidorm

    Certified professionals in  tree trimming and tree pruning in Benidorm, we have extensive experience and personalized attention for each client.

    Tree trimming in benidorm

    If you are looking for professionals in tree trimming in Benidorm. Call us and request our services, we attend Emergencies.

    Pruning palm trees in Benidorm

    Professionals in tree and garden pruning in Benidorm, Call us and we will come to your address to solve your particular case.

    Garden maintenance in Benidorm

    You can count on us whether you have a country house or if you need a gardener to maintain the spaces in your residential area in Benidorm.

    Clearing and Cleaning in Benidorm

    If you need a professional to remove weeds with a brushcutter and clean your plot, call us.

    Phytosanitary treatments in Benidorm

    We carry out preventive fumigation of gardens, endotherapy treatments, etc.

    Artificial grass in Benidorm

    We have the best qualities of artificial grass, our specialists will carry out the installation with full guarantee.

    Natural grass in Benidorm

    We are experts in the installation and maintenance of natural grass

    Irrigation systems in Benidorm

    We have professionals capable of installing any irrigation system.

    Pruning palm trees in Benidorm

    poda de palmeras en Benidorm

    We are your gardening company in Benidorm

    A gardening company in Benidorm basically performs two tasks. Whether privately or in public space, it is about preserving and protecting the beauty and cleanliness of the tree area. In the aesthetic part, as we all know, each one of us imagines the image of each tree according to the tree species. For example, we say coniferous trees, whose name already indicates the usual shape and roundness of orange, pine and other trees. Or the extended appearance of the branches is intended to provide shade and protection to streets, squares and gardens. Our height pruning work is responsible for taking advantage of the potential of each species and always maintaining the integrity of the tree so that its growth and development continue to maintain its best condition over time.

    Height pruning in Benidorm

    Height pruning in Benidorm

    Poda en altura en Benidorm

    It is a specialty that needs some elements such as ladders, ropes or lifting baskets to reach the branches of those trees that are much higher than we can reach with our means. It takes a specialist to be able to use the power saw in a way that gets the job done safely and effectively. The operator is used to working at height and being comfortable so as not to run risks or have accidents.

    In addition to this, it is essential that the pruner knows the botanical and mechanical specifications of the tree and its development in order to understand where to prune. For example, it is a requirement that the arborist knows the correct climbing and cutting techniques for each tree and each case. It is these points that make pruning at height require meticulous preparation in terms of knowledge of the materials of the trees that are going to be pruned. If you want to carry out a pruning in height in Benidorm, call us!

    To carry out an adequate pruning in height, an enormous knowledge is required of the materials that have to be used. We have the harnesses that allow us to hang from certain heights and stay safe, knots in the ropes, mechanical machinery, carabiners, etc. All these elements are essential to carry out pruning at height in a professional and safe way.

    On the other hand, we know the specifications of the trees to be pruned. Among these specifications we count the hardness of the wood, the probable effects when cutting it, the tolerance of the tree to pruning, healing, etc. A soft tree is not exactly the same to prune since it is much faster than a much harder one. In addition to this, depending on which branch is going to be pruned, the tree can react in one way or another.

    Yes, of course, once they have finished the work, our professionals will collect the most significant remains such as large branches and larger parts pruned from trees and will leave your land, garden or area clean and tidy.

    To carry out this type of «especially focused» work, we have experts and suitable machines. On the one hand, tree growers who specialize in climbing and felling are certified as European arborists. On the other hand, cranes can allow us to reach several meters away. Therefore, we saved the walls and were able to enter the interior terrace. The crane also promotes the pruning or felling of tall trees through a controlled fall system, thus protecting the material around the trees. Although the tree is 40 or 50 meters high, we fix it before cutting it down and then lower it with a crane. Maximum security.

    When we talk about pruning at height in Benidorm, we refer to the branches and trunks that remain from a tree of a certain size in parts that are difficult to access for anyone other than a specialized company. Generally because it has grown in a way or because a necessary cleaning is done to promote its growth

    If you have trees around your house, know that they require special care. Its maintenance requires specific tools and qualified professionals, either for ornamental reasons, or for security reasons, or because the tree is destined to bear fruit. Our gardeners in Benidorm and surroundings, who are dedicated to tree pruning, will be able to advise you and help you keep trees healthy.

    Frequent questions

    Failure to perform regular pruning procedures can have multiple consequences. These include: increased risk of tree fall and death, low branch formation and development, codominant stem formation, defects such as bark inclusion, dead branches, and obstructed view. If done right, the benefits can include reducing the risk of falling limbs and entire trees, providing better clearance for vehicles and pedestrians, and a better appearance. When the tree does not break its branches or falls over, property can be damaged. Occasionally, people can be injured by fallen tree parts, and these parts will be killed by fallen trees (approximately 30 people die each year in the United States). Pruning young and medium-sized trees can curb this problem by encouraging trees to grow strong branch structure. Call us if you need to fell or prune trees or palm trees or a gardening service in Benidorm

    Pruning is a double-edged sword, depending on if, where, when, how and why the pruning will help or hurt. If implemented correctly, it can bring several benefits. Benefits include reducing the risk of breaking branches and stems, protecting health, providing better space for vehicles and pedestrians, improving appearance, improving eyesight, and increasing flowering. If not managed properly, pruning can damage the tree’s health, stability, and appearance. If it is not pruned at all, there will be multiple consequences. These include weak branch development, accumulation of weak codominant stems, bark inclusions, and dead branches. The first three occur mainly on planted trees, but they are not the only ones. They are unlikely to occur in wooded areas. The formation of stem like inclusions increases the risk of breakage.

    One of the most common and unrecognized defects in tree planting is the formation of large lower limbs. They can overextend and snap, or they can fall off under their own weight and be removed later, leaving a large pruning wound (pictured right). Removal of large branches and those that are more than half the diameter of the trunk is more likely to cause rot than removal of smaller branches. Removing branches with flat cuts can start the process of trunk decay. Removing large branches can lead to cavities, cracks, and crevices. Shape the tree so that this type of cutting is not necessary!

    Yes, of course, once they have finished the work, our professionals will collect the most significant remains such as large branches and larger parts pruned from trees and will leave your land, garden or area clean and tidy.

    To carry out this type of «especially focused» work, we have experts and suitable machines. On the one hand, tree growers who specialize in climbing and felling are certified as European arborists. On the other hand, cranes can allow us to reach several meters away. Therefore, we saved the walls and were able to enter the interior terrace. The crane also promotes the pruning or felling of tall trees through a controlled fall system, thus protecting the material around the trees. Although the tree is 40 or 50 meters high, we fix it before cutting it down and then lower it with a crane. Maximum security.

    • Firstly, pruning does not cut branches and is different from cutting, which involves cutting from the base, preventing its growth later.
    • Tree pruning is a crucial task for proper development and it must be carried out by experts in tree maintenance.
    • A pruner focuses his work on the two tall: the size from training and the size
    • The first of they are takes to carried out during on first of the life of the tree with the end of guide your
    • The idea is to have strong and well-distributed branches so that the crown is at a certain distance.
    • The pruning of training is necessary so that the tree does not be returns too wild and that hold the greatest number of years.
    • This type of pruning is essential in trees so that they bear large amounts of fruit.
    • For its part, maintenance pruning will will be done to lo long of the life of the tree.
    Our receptionists will take note of your request and notify the professional, it is possible that the professional does not speak English but will have instructions for the work to be done.

    In general, the best time to prune is winter, especially at the end, but everything will depend on the type of tree. The pruning of the plum tree is not the same as the pruning of the olive tree. Also, spring-blooming trees should not be pruned during those months. It is essential to make the cut in the most appropriate place and cleanly. A tear or the use of rusty tools can hinder healing and lead to disease. It is not recommended to prune branches that are above the height of the head and special care must be taken with pruning at height. To ensure good maintenance, trust the tree growers and pruners of Benidorm, Valencian Community.

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    Tree trimming and tree pruning in Benidorm

    Do you need to cut down or prune a tree in your residence? Call us today!

    Podarama Benidorm

    • Pruning at height of trees in Benidorm
    • Pruning at height of palm trees in Benidorm
    • Garden maintenance in Benidorm
    • Garden design in Benidorm
    • Clearing of plots in Benidorm
    • Phytosanitary Treatments in Benidorm
    • Lawn mowing and maintenance in Benidorm
    • Installation of irrigation systems in Benidorm

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